Student Code Student Name Email Registration No Sector Occupation Level Picture Download Certificate
S240055381 Zibon Chandra Sarkar 18225236624000034 Transport Equipment Refrigeration and Air Conditioning National Skill Certificate-I
S220006844 Zibon Chandro Roy 12217231422000064 Construction Electrical Installation and Maintenance (Civil Construction) National Skill Certificate-I
S230072876 Zibon Chandro Roy 14107231523000015 Information Communication Technology IT Support Technician National Skill Certificate-I
S210000370 Zibon Nahar Zeba 13220235021000040 Informal Trailoring and Dress Making National Skill Certificate-I
S190004563 Zibon Naher 11169235719000234 Agro-Food Processing Baking National Skill Certificate-I
S180016368 ZIDAN ISLAM 21172234118000001 Ceramic Decoration and Printing National Skill Certificate-I
S230016476 ZIDAN UL AZIM 16144232323000035 Light Engineering Consumer Electronics National Skill Certificate-I
S230077369 Zidne Nowrin Prema 14158235023000322 Information Communication Technology Computer Operation National Skill Certificate-I
S230073232 Zifan Mahud 16144233323000086 Light Engineering Consumer Electronics National Skill Certificate-I
S240031319 Zihad 12218232624000005 Construction Plumbing National Skill Certificate-I
Showing Record Total : 296628