Student Code Student Name Email Registration No Sector Occupation Level Picture Download Certificate
S230091311 Zannatul Mawa Reshmi 13220237423000007 Informal Trailoring and Dress Making National Skill Certificate-I
S240012547 Zannatul Mawa Samia 13115235024000053 Informal Beauty Care National Skill Certificate-I
S240036652 Zannatul Mostafa 13116227424000057 Informal Block Batik and Screen Printing National Prevocational Certificate-II
S220057818 Zannatul Mowa 17214243924000134 Ready Made Garments and Textile Sewing Machine Operation National Skill Certificate-II
S190021762 Zannatul Naeem 17114232319000116 Ready Made Garments and Textile Sewing Machine Operation National Skill Certificate-I
S230047006 ZANNATUL NAIEM BIPLOB 18248232423000017 Transport Equipment Automotive Mechanics National Skill Certificate-I
S200009497 Zannatul Naim 14109237020000037 Information Communication Technology Graphic Design National Skill Certificate-I
S240036893 Zannatul Naima 13116227424000066 Informal Block Batik and Screen Printing National Prevocational Certificate-II
S240042482 Zannatul Naima 13220237424000098 Informal Trailoring and Dress Making National Skill Certificate-I
S240042482 Zannatul Naima 17214247424000087 Ready Made Garments and Textile Sewing Machine Operation National Skill Certificate-II
Showing Record Total : 296626