Student Code Student Name Email Registration No Sector Occupation Level Picture Download Certificate
S240011636 Sajjad Hossain ( Abhi ) 12218237024000172 Construction Plumbing National Skill Certificate-I
S150005717 Sajjad Hossain (Piash) 12118226515000045 Construction Plumbing National Prevocational Certificate-II
S210018851 Sajjad Hossain Apurbo 19233235021000156 Tourism and Hospitality Cooking National Skill Certificate-I
S230036897 Sajjad Hossain Hridoy 18201237023000084 Transport Equipment Welding National Skill Certificate-I
S240031257 Sajjad Hossain Joy 18225235224000020 Transport Equipment Refrigeration and Air Conditioning National Skill Certificate-I
S230028105 Sajjad Hossain Khondoker 18247234523000005 Transport Equipment Machine Shop Practice National Skill Certificate-I
S240043135 Sajjad Hossain Munna 24601245724000008 Agriculture Agri Machinery Repair and Maintenance National Skill Certificate-II
S230100954 SAJJAD HOSSAIN NAEEM 14107235223000070 Information Communication Technology IT Support Technician National Skill Certificate-I
S190017239 Sajjad Hossain Palash 17114235019000187 Ready Made Garments and Textile Sewing Machine Operation National Skill Certificate-I
S180009120 Sajjad Hossain Rabbi 14109234218000029 Information Communication Technology Graphic Design National Skill Certificate-I
Showing Record Total : 296684