Student Code Student Name Email Registration No Sector Occupation Level Picture Download Certificate
S240053295 Rakiba 17214241424000421 Ready Made Garments and Textile Sewing Machine Operation National Skill Certificate-II
S180020669 Rakiba Ahmed 11104245018000074 Agro-Food Processing Baking(Bread and Biscuit) National Skill Certificate-II
S160009868 Rakiba Akter 11104245016000023 Agro-Food Processing Baking(Bread and Biscuit) National Skill Certificate-II
S170008267 Rakiba Akter 13116235017000021 Informal Block Batik and Screen Printing National Skill Certificate-I
S170008267 Rakiba Akter 13116245019000010 Informal Block Batik and Screen Printing National Skill Certificate-II
S240046867 Rakiba Akter 13211235924000024 Informal Household Works National Skill Certificatel-I
S240054459 Rakiba Akter 13220235224000040 Informal Trailoring and Dress Making National Skill Certificate-I
S170007483 Rakiba Akter 17114235017000143 Ready Made Garments and Textile Sewing Machine Operation National Skill Certificate-I
S230020384 Rakiba Akter Rafu 17214246923000063 Ready Made Garments and Textile Sewing Machine Operation National Skill Certificate-II
S180010742 Rakiba Akter Shikha 14158235018000012 Information Communication Technology Computer Operation National Skill Certificate-I
Showing Record Total : 296743