Student Code Student Name Email Registration No Sector Occupation Level Picture Download Certificate
S230059118 Raki Rani 13220233723000028 Informal Trailoring and Dress Making National Skill Certificate-I
S230028261 Rakia Akter 15202243623000021 Leather & Leather Goods Leather Sewing Machine Operations National Skill Certificate-II
S230033212 Rakia Siddika 11206245023000049 Agro-Food Processing Baking (Pastry & Cake) National Skill Certificate-II
S230010896 RAKIA TANJIM RIMI 14158235623000033 Information Communication Technology Computer Operation National Skill Certificate-I
S240057600 RAKIB 12217235424000152 Construction Electrical Installation and Maintenance (Civil Construction) National Skill Certificate-I
S220061815 Rakib 12217235222000284 Construction Electrical Installation and Maintenance (Civil Construction) National Skill Certificate-I
S230073228 RAKIB 12217235423000342 Construction Electrical Installation and Maintenance (Civil Construction) National Skill Certificate-I
S230083734 Rakib 12217233923000389 Construction Electrical Installation and Maintenance (Civil Construction) National Skill Certificate-I
S240010205 Rakib 12217235124000011 Construction Electrical Installation and Maintenance (Civil Construction) National Skill Certificate-I
S240012844 Rakib 12217233724000010 Construction Electrical Installation and Maintenance (Civil Construction) National Skill Certificate-I
Showing Record Total : 296743