Student Code Student Name Email Registration No Sector Occupation Level Picture Download Certificate
S230023976 Raihan Uddin Pk 13124232323000015 Informal Mobile Phone Servicing National Skill Certificate-I
S210014636 Raihan Uddin Tusher 14107237021000070 Information Communication Technology IT Support Technician National Skill Certificate-I
S160003398 RAIHAN UDDIN ZILLU 12118237016000048 Construction Plumbing National Skill Certificate-I
S210031062 Raihana Aktar Lubna 19233234821000008 Tourism and Hospitality Cooking National Skill Certificate-I
S240022637 Raihana Akter Lubna 14358231424000171 Information Communication Technology Basic Computer Operation National Skill Certificate-I
S230100993 Raihana Akter Puspo 13115232323000015 Informal Beauty Care National Skill Certificate-I
S230005459 RAIHANA AKTER URMI 12217236823000031 Construction Electrical Installation and Maintenance (Civil Construction) National Skill Certificate-I
S240037501 RAIHANA AKTHER 11206245024000033 Agro-Food Processing Baking (Pastry & Cake) National Skill Certificate-II
S240009337 Raihana Ferdoshi 17214241724000179 Ready Made Garments and Textile Sewing Machine Operation National Skill Certificate-II
S160004167 RaIhana Jahan 13116234216000009 Informal Block Batik and Screen Printing National Skill Certificate-I
Showing Record Total : 296628