Student Code Student Name Email Registration No Sector Occupation Level Picture Download Certificate
S230087163 Rahe Ahmed 12218236123000112 Construction Plumbing National Skill Certificate-I
S230094912 Rahedul Islam 18247236623000032 Transport Equipment Machine Shop Practice National Skill Certificate-I
S220042762 Rahedul Islam Tuhin 17214247022000322 Ready Made Garments and Textile Sewing Machine Operation National Skill Certificate-II
S240022777 RAHEJA 17214241424000227 Ready Made Garments and Textile Sewing Machine Operation National Skill Certificate-II
S200001288 Rahel Ahmed Chowdhury 19133236120000017 Tourism and Hospitality Cooking National Skill Certificate-I
S210025057 RAHEL BABU 12192252021000007 Construction Heavy Equipment Operation–Forklift National Skill Certificate-III
S220047057 Rahel Uddin 19233236122000103 Tourism and Hospitality Cooking National Skill Certificate-I
S220050651 Rahela Akhtar 17214247022000424 Ready Made Garments and Textile Sewing Machine Operation National Skill Certificate-II
S220060457 Rahela Akter 13115237022000079 Informal Beauty Care National Skill Certificate-I
S170008274 Rahela Akter 13116235017000023 Informal Block Batik and Screen Printing National Skill Certificate-I
Showing Record Total : 296816