Student Code Student Name Email Registration No Passing Year Sector Occupation Level Picture Download Certificate
S240054163 Rokshana Akter 17214246824000071 Ready Made Garments and Textile Sewing Machine Operation National Skill Certificate-II
S240054164 MD. Ashabe Uddin Intam 14208257024000322 Information Communication Technology Computer Operation National Skill Level-III
S240054166 Sultana subrin 11104241624000002 Agro-Food Processing Baking(Bread and Biscuit) National Skill Certificate-II
S240054167 MOHAMMED NURUL AZAM KHAN 14208257024000323 Information Communication Technology Computer Operation National Skill Level-III
S240054169 Most. Aysha Siddika 13220231424000355 Informal Trailoring and Dress Making National Skill Certificate-I
S240054170 Tahamina Akter 11104245024000056 Agro-Food Processing Baking(Bread and Biscuit) National Skill Certificate-II
S240054171 Lima Akter Lisa 13220231424000356 Informal Trailoring and Dress Making National Skill Certificate-I
S240054172 Md Nurul Amin 14208257024000324 Information Communication Technology Computer Operation National Skill Level-III
S240054173 Kobita 13220231424000357 Informal Trailoring and Dress Making National Skill Certificate-I
S240054175 Bijoy Krishna Bhattacharjee 14208257024000325 Information Communication Technology Computer Operation National Skill Level-III
Showing Record Total : 296673